RCIA Program

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This program is called the RCIA or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Each year we offer this program to the parishioners of St Andrew’s. It has proven over the years to be a wonderful journey to a new beginning for those who are already Catholics. More importantly, it is a program directed at people who do not share our faith, but would like to consider becoming more involved and committed to the Catholic Church.

We would like to invite all parishioners to consider inviting a family member, a neighbour or friend who lives in the area to consider whether or not they would be interested in becoming a Catholic, or at least exploring the Catholic religion.

Secondly, there are quite a number of people who come to Mass each weekend who have not yet taken that final step to full membership of the Catholic Church. I am inviting you to consider participating in this program when it starts later in the year.

We hope you do not mind us asking this question. Experience shows time and again that many people feel drawn to the Catholic community. Often they would like to ask some questions but don’t know where to start.

Well, there is one place to begin — through this parish community.

At St Andrew’s Parish Marayong we offer opportunities for people to come together with members of the parish community to find out what makes the Catholic Church or, rather, Catholics tick.

There is no “hard sell” and no strings attached. We provide a friendly series of informative evenings among friends. We would be delighted to share with you some of our own experience of what it means to be Catholic. We would like you to learn about the community we belong to and the values that are important to us. To find out when and where the next programme is being held contact the Parish Office on 9622 0817.

We encourage members of our parish family to offer this invitation to people they know who might be interested, if someone asks them, in having a look at the Catholic Church.

Welcome Home! If you would like to renew your relationship as a Catholic, or update your understanding of the church, or talk over some of your questions, we would be delighted to receive your call.

Parish Office Hours

Monday – Friday : 9:30am – 4:00pm
Sunday : 9:30am – 11:30am

Contact Us
(02) 96220817

St Andrew the Apostle Catholic Parish
40 Breakfast Rd
(PO Box 4345)
Marayong 2148 , NSW Australia

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