Parish Prayer Groups

Couples for Christ

Couples for Christ Australia (or CFCA) is a movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life. It is an association of Christians who have committed themselves to the Lord and to one another, so that they may grow in spiritual maturity to fulfil the responsibility of raising their families under the lordship of Jesus Christ. It focuses on three principal objectives: individual renewal, family renewal, and church/community renewal thru its introductory course, called the Christian Life Program (or CLP).
Since 1988, the CFCA community has established renewal groups in almost all capital states of Australia, with Sydney having the largest number. It is under the guidance and supervision of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC).  CFCA is a wholistic ministry. It involves the whole family – young children, teenagers, young adults, parents, single/married women, single/married men, and other family members.


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Hearts of Jesus and Mary Prayer Community

The Hearts of Jesus and Mary Prayer Community (HJM) is a prayer group based in the Parish of St Andrew the Apostle in Marayong. It is part of the worldwide Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement within the Catholic Church that seeks to foster:


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Other Prayer Groups

Legion of Mary: The Legion of Mary meets each week and they are also involved in parish visitation and are prepared to help as needed in the parish.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: This is a new group that prays together on Friday mornings and on Saturday mornings before Mass.

We are very fortunate to have a number of active ministries open to all parishioners. If you would like to join any of the groups, please contact the Parish Office.



St Andrew the Apostle Catholic Parish
40 Breakfast Rd
(PO Box 4345)
Marayong 2148 , NSW Australia

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